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Thursday, 27 June 2013

postheadericon Girl Baby Names " I "

Iha (the earth)
Ihina (enthusiasm)
Ikshu (sugarcane)
Ila (wife of the sage Manu; the earth; water)
Ina (mother)
Inayat (kindness)
Indira (Goddess Lakshmi)
Indrani (wife of Lord Indra)
Indrasena (daughter of King Nala)
Indrayani (the name of a sacred river)
Induleksh (the moon)
Indumati (the full moon)
Induja (narmada river)
Ipsa (desire)
Ipsita (desired)
Ira (earth; muse)
Iravati (the river Ravi)
Isha (one who protects)
Ishana (rich)
Ishani (Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva)
Ishika (pain brush)
Ishita (mastery; wealth)
Ishrat (affection)
Ishwari (goddess)
Ivy (a creeper)


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