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Thursday, 27 June 2013

postheadericon Boy Baby Names " I "

Ibrahim (Abraham; earth)Idris (fiery Lord)
Iham (expected)Ihit (prize; honour)
Imtiaz (power of discrimination)Imaran (strong)
Iman (name of raga)Indivar (blue lotus)
Indrajeet (conqueror)Indrakanta (Lord Indra)
Indraneel (sapphire)Indubhushan (the moon)
Induhasan (like a moon)Indukanta (like a moon)
Indulal (moon's lustre)Indushekhar (like a moon)
Intekhab (chosen)Irfan (knowledgable)
Iqbal (desire)Irshaad (signal)
Isar ( eminent; Lord Shiva)Ishan (the Lord)
Ishrat (affection)Ishwar (god)
Izhar (submission)


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