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Sunday, 7 July 2013

postheadericon Girl Baby Names " N "

Naaz (pride)
Nachni (dancer; suggestive look)
Nadira (pinnacle)
Nagina (jewel)
Naina (name of a goddess)
Naiya (water or boat)
Najma (sorry)
Nalini (lotus)
Namita (humble)
Namrata (modesty)
Nanda (joyful)
Nandana (daughter)
Nandini (bestower of joy; Ganga; daughter)
Nandita (happy)
Narayani (Goddess Lakshmi)
Narois (flower)
Narmada (a river)
Nartan (dance)
Naseen (cool breeze)
Natun (new)
Nauka (boat)
Naveena (new)
Navaneeta (butter)
Nayana (eye)
Nayantara (iris)
Nazima (song)
Neela (blue)
Neelabja (blue lotus)
Neelakshi (blue-eyed)
Neelam (sapphire)
Neelanjana (blue)
Neelkamal (blue lotus)
Neepa (name of a flower)
Neeraja (lotus, Goddess Lakshmi)
Neeta (upright)
Neeti (good behaviour)
Neha (rain)
Nehal (rainy; handsome)
Netra (eye)
Netravati (beautifuleyed)
Nidhi (wealth)
Niharika (nebula)
Nikhita (the earth)
Nilasha (blueness)
Nilaya (home)
Nileen (surrendered)
Nilima (blueness)
Niloufer (a celestial)
Nina (lovely-eyed)
Nipa (one who watches over)
Nirmayi (without blemish)
Niranjana (name of a river; Goddess Durga; the night of the full moon)
Nirmala (pure)
Nirupama (without comparison)
Nisha (night)
Nishithini (night)
Nishtha (devotion)
Nitya (constant)
Nityapriya (ever pleasing)
Nivedita (surrendered)
Nivritti (nonattachment)
Niyati (fate)
Noopur (anklet)
Noor (light)
Noorjehan (light of the world)
Nusrat (help)
Nutan (new)


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