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Friday, 28 June 2013

postheadericon Girl Baby Names " L "

Laabha (profit)
Laalamani (ruby)
Labangalata (a flowering creeper)
Laboni (grace)
Lajja (modesty)
Lajjawati (a sensitive plant; modest woman)
Lajwanti (a sensitive woman/plant)
Lajwati (modest)
Laksha (white rose)
Lakshana (one with auspicious signs on her, Duryodhana's daughter)
Lakshmi (goddess of wealth)
Lakshmishree (fortunate)
Lakshya (aim, destination)
Lalan (nurturing)
Lalana (a beautiful woman)
Lalima (redness)
Lalita, Lalitha (elegant, beautiful)
Lalitamohana (attractive, beautiful)
Laasya (name of a dance)
Lata, Latha (a creeper)
Latakara (mass of creepers)
Latangi (a creeper)
Latika (a small creeper)
Lavanya (grace)
Leela (divine play)
Leelamayee (playful)
Leelavati (playful; goddess Durga)
Leena (devoted)
Lekha (writing)
Lily (a flower)
Lipi (script)
Lipika (a short letter)
Lochan, Lochana (eye, eyes)
Lola (Goddess Lakshmi)
Lopa (wife of sage)
Lopamudra (wife of sage Agastya)


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